30 Dec 2006
"ROBO-ONE in the Space" promises low-orbit robot battles
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: Robots
29 Dec 2006
Evil Robot
Big Dog Walking 4-Legged Tank/Mule. Here
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: Robots
27 Dec 2006
The Lost Cosmonauts
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: Cosmos
26 Dec 2006
Wearable Power Assist Suit
The development of welfare machines which can meet the requirement of the elderly is now an important subject due to the rapidly aging population. The research for the robot which was aimed at supporting transfer movements of patients was begun in the 1970s, and MEL- Kong was the representative example, and an operation robot Nurcy based on the master and slave control system was developed. However, none of these show any prospects of the utility yet. More
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Unmanned Mini-Robot-Helicopter Gets 'Weaponized' with AA-12 Shotgun
DefenseReview.com has received video footage of a weaponized version of the AutoCopter self-stabilized unmanned mini-helicopter being tested for the first time in sunny Huntsville, Alabama (The download link for this video is further down in this article.).
The AutoCopter is made by Neural Robotics Incorporated (NRI), and the weapon portion of the package is a 12-gauge Auto Assault-12 Full-Auto Shotgun (a.k.a. AA-12 Full-Auto Shotgun) made by Military Police Systems, Inc. (MPS). More
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
The Hudspith Steam Bicycle
Many visitors to the Great Dorset Steam Fair (29th August - 2nd September 2001) were intrigued by the first appearance of my steam bicycle, after several years of eager anticipation.
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
Extremely useful free utilities that do specific jobs really well and save time and money.
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: Freeware Utility
25 Dec 2006
Dynamically-Stable Mobile Robots in Human Environments
In recent years, there has been a growing realization that much of the success in the application of industrial robots to manufacturing might also become true for mobile robots in the service sector. In particular, robots that could serve as personal assistants for people---especially those who are elderly or physically challenged---are moving from fantasy to the realm of the possible. The rapid progress in computing and the growing body of knowledge in robotics are leading us toward a goal which could have many benefits for society. More
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: Robots
How to make the simplest electric motor for 5 minutes.
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: Fun
22 Dec 2006
New way of graphic multiplication of big numbers (video)
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: Fun, Mathematics
How to make a very cheap videoprojector from the CRT monitor in 30 minutes
How to make videoprojector and spend 0.00$.
For the beginning we measure the sizes of a forward part of the monitor.
Then, we take a cardboard and on these sizes we make a box in height of 40-50 sm (without a bottom and one side). Now we take a lens and densely we turn a cardboard on its edges, the cylinder should turn out.
Self-made objective
Nom on the bottom of the box precisely on the center we make an aperture of such size that this cylinder could move there. We insert it there and we fix a box on the monitor.
Now all we need to do is to put the monitor on it's place and project the image on a wall
We receive the dimmy and overturned image. But, with this problem it is possible to consult. The decision - ACDSee 7.0.
Push PLAY, turn the correction of autolevels on (for increase in brightness) and we overturn the image on 180 degrees.
As a result we have received a projector almost free of charge.
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: Mods
DOOM on the OLPC XO!
Now imagine you are the One Laptop Per Child software design team, and you've just received the very first order of Children's Machine XO's. Around a thousand pounds of laptops actually, and you wanna take one for a fun filled test drive. More (video)
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: OLPC
Lifehacker the book now available
Is a companion to the Lifehacker.com web site, a collection of the best how-to's from the site archives. I call it an "open source book" because its almost 2 years worth of research is already published here on the site and all the material was enhanced by additions, suggestions, questions and answers from Lifehacker readers. Here
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Concept phone
This phone can only be used to call with, no sms, mms, camera or garage opener.
Im not sure if all the componnets needed can fit in my tiny phone, but hey its a concept modell.
Explaining the button system, hmm when you but your fingertip (tumb) in the grove on the 123 button, you get 1 by manipulateing it to the left, 3 to the right and 2 by pressing the button down (if this dont explain it well enough I hope the picture will fill in the gaps.
The big silver button on top releases the spring loaded display to get called ID and to recieve you press it again while the display is out, to hang up a call you simply close the display by pushing it in (and loading the spring again).
The display is a lcd of the old calculator type whitout the reflective backing, so its seetrough.
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
21 Dec 2006
Impossible triangle in Perth
Read more
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: amazing
Beautiful light bulb
The Glow Brick charges during the day so that it will glow for up to eight hours in darkness. The real light bulb inside is filled with a phosphor luminescent powder. The energy in natural UV light is absorbed into the bulb and then slowly released as it glows in the dark. Its glow will fade overnight but then the Brick recharges once it is exposed to daylight again.
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: light bulb
20 Dec 2006
Guys have constructed Trebuchet shooting fiery ball on 300 meters.
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: Fun
19 Dec 2006
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: drolly, electricity, test
18 Dec 2006
17 Dec 2006
Mac OS has won Vista for 16 moves
I organized the chess championship between Windows Vista and MacOs. MacOs beat his opponent on 16th move. There is the picture.
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
15 Dec 2006
14 Dec 2006
Hacker has Overlocked the processor more than in 10 time
Today I shall try to overlocked the processor more than in 10- time.Test consists of 3 parts:
1. It is necessary to choose the correct processor. During tests I have established that
the Most suitable for overlocked are U5-386SX (33 MHz).During testing I have spoiled some tens details
For the best heat conduction I have cut the plastic case to reach a kernel of the processor.
2. It is necessary to choose a way of cooling of the processor. For cooling the processor
I shall use Wood's alloy. The matter is that it плавится at temperature of 70-75 degrees Celsius
(158-167Fahrenheit) and a heat-conducting path much more above than at water.

To merge an alloy it is used usual beer jar.
3.The device for management of frequency. Frequency we shall change by zmeans of the generator of frequency connected to computer joystick.

I could not photograph last result because to do all simultaneously difficultly.
In a photo the program has fixed intermediate result 297Mhz that very well for U5-386SX 33Mhz
The last was result 396Mhz. I have dispersed the processor more than in 10 time. It is a record!
It is translated from a site www.sheppard.ru
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: overlocking, super
Inventors claim to turn 300 microwaves into megawatt energy weapon
If you happen to have say, 300 microwaves kicking around between you and your friends, it turns out that you'd have a large part of the ingredients necessary for a pretty substantial weapon. Read more
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: microwaves, patent
13 Dec 2006
Hard Drive Clock
You have probably seen my original Hard Drive Clock. It uses red and blue LEDs to make three colors for clock hands (the third color is red and blue together which is purplish). The light is seen through a slot that is cut into the top platter. With some electronics it was possible to time the flashing of the LEDs to place the clock hands where they needed to be. Two students, Jason Amsel and Konstantin Klitenikfrom from Cornell University used my basic design and expanded it into a University project. Both designs can be seen below. Read more
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Total Christmas light control
Now that Thanksgiving is in full swing, I think I can safely mention Christmas without receiving the beat down. In this project, Christmas is just an excuse to build a parallel port connected control box capable of switching 320 individual circuits. The interface is constructed out of two types of chips: the 138 decoder and the 374 flip-flop. Each flip-flop is attached to an individual serial port that is connected to an 8 outlet switch box. Along with this system the site features lots of other home built and modified controls.
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Flickr's excellent Xmas easter egg
Flickr's got an awesome Xmas easter-egg: if you add a photonote called "ho ho ho hat," Flickr draws a Santa-hat on your pic; make one called "ho ho ho beard" and you get a snowy white beard.
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Labels: Fun
12 Dec 2006
How to make the grinding machine tool from Hard Drive.
We have the HDD model Seagate ST9546A Linear Speed 2.4 MB/sec 1995 of release.
What do you think, will suffice the capacity to make the grinding machine tool?
How To Make The Grinding Machine Tool From Hard Drive. - video powered by Metacafe
This thing but next time I'll tell you how to overlockinf CPU in 10 times faster
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
11 Dec 2006
The Hand-made radioactive monitor.
Excellent, obviously new sign. Headlights of the car shine it approximately from the fifty meters, however even the absent-minded radiation "blinds" objective. |
The assistant climbs on a column to bite off with garden scissors a piece of a sign. I try to avoid a criminal acts ;). |
Usually guide signs cover with a white "reflecting" paint which actually is short-time luminophor, instead of "reflector". The principle of effect of luminisceition is simple enough: quantums of light or radiation are absorbed by substance, light energy is more exact lifts electrons on more high-energy orbital than atoms (I intentionally simplify the description of process as it us not too interests). In overwhelming majority of cases of energy of quantums of light does not suffice for "pumping"
In turn luminophor consist of substances with properties suitable us, that is can keep elektron in the maximum orbit some time that allows them to accumulate light energy, and then gradually to radiate it, independently being shone. To achieve a long and bright luminescence it is necessary to prepare luminophor whith the account of the certain severe constraints. For example it is possible to prepare from ZnO with cleanliness for a maximum in 0,01 percent of impurity, and alloying additives in the form of salts of silver, manganese or gold should be added in precisely measured microscopic volumes, and even exact observance of proportions and cleanliness does not guarantee comprehensible result as the prepared mix needs to be maintained in strictly set temperature range in 700-750 degrees in current of several hours!
As you can see, it is crystal a fair way of manufacture in house conditions unrealizable, therefore we and come back to traffic signs. The luminophor paint which trace arrows and letters, is "short-time", that is why inexpensive. Time of afterglow is measured by the 100-th shares of second but we can see, how is bright this paint "reflects" light of headlights at night. However the one who though for a moment a sign with a principle of work of pumping in the most simple lasers, easily will understand, where I now drive.
To increase time of afterglow luminophor it is very difficult, but in fact while headlights of the car shine a sign, reflected light pleases a look of the motorist. We shall replace constant visible radiation of headlights by an invisible range which will constantly recharge ours luminophor. At once on mind comes thermal, that is infra-red radiation, but luminophors have one unpleasant property: they give out a luminescence with greater length of a wave, than "initial" light. We need more rigid radiation for this reason it is necessary to plunder sideboards of close relatives.
Radium gives out, certainly, not quantum gamma-radiation, but radiated heavy alpha particles at collision with frequent enough impurity heavy atoms in luminophor allocate enough energy. If to mix ours semiluminophor and radium salt we shall receive a light source with internal pumping!
And how many it would be required to energy for a heater as pumping if nevertheless to try to take advantage of an infra-red spectrum - this way is absolutely irrational!
The paint needs to be removed from a guide sign accurately a flint-paper, trying not scrape down a metal basis of a sign. From a plastic basis it is possible to extend easily salts of radium any acid (though hydrochloric or vinegar) while it is necessary to tinker with glass: not only that it is necessary beat small glass to a condition of a dust so also oxid of silicon from which has flown down actually and consists, will necessarily get in resulta mix in the form of an impurity and will detain the most part of radiation. In my opinion, plastic is easy for grating even.
If available there are only glass figures it is possible to try to find HF or H3PO4 acids. The first quickly enough "corrodes" glass, and we as a result receive fluoride radium. H3PO4 acid "corrodes" glass very slowly. The problem with a fluoric acid consists that is rather aggressive thing, besides it would be necessary to use plastic utensils, and in general well to have practical experience even in analytical chemistry - to count it is necessary much more. H3PO4 acid not so is dangerous, therefore does not demand special knowledge, but as well as fluoric it is problematic to get.
36 % HCL even in short distance to smell it would not be desirable, therefore for the beginning I shall dilute it. |
Now we pour out a solution of an acid in a flask with a former ornament grandmother's a sideboard and...... |
We are hidden behind all conceivable means of an individual defence. Hands to protect unessentially as solution of a hydrochloric acid it to damage it is serious cannot (in general 10 % HCl contains even in a stomach of the person), but eyes to protect it is necessary. The figure contained metal inserts In my case - reaction was rough. |
At addition of water are appreciable fine bubbles - not all was evaporated , though I am be caful, being afraid of that my thick-walled melting spot will not sustain uncontrollable temperature of a flame. It is better to wash out once again, than to lose result of two-hour fuss |
Here for the sake of what we have spoiled a figure and hours. Somewhere in these salts salts of radium contain. The nobility their concentration is not present necessity - cleanliness of reactants us interests a little |
Received salt-evaporation it is dissolved in warm water and it is mixed with the scratched out paint-luminophor. The insoluble deposit which it is necessary mix that the solution with salts has got even during the fineest times of a deposit-luminopfor. After that the solution is again evaporated, and now special security measures be not required. The received white weight we crumble, pounding a mix in a dust. To save time for this procedure it is not necessary: uniformity of a luminescence will depend on it.
Usual candle without dyes we crumble and it is got rid of a match. Our experiment and so it is more similar to voodoo, than on modern experience with pure reactants. |
The copper wire from a power cable easily forms convenient capture. |
We are meelting paraffin also is lead up to boiling then we reduce fire. On slow fire of an impurity of water will evaporate, and "dust" either will settle, or will emerge. We cool and is cut off the top and bottom parts of the fallen asleep form with impurity. Than this procedure will be more repeated , than more purely and more uniform there will be a luminescence. |
Now it is possible to take care of knitting substance. Usually in its quality paraffin, but after you will stir our mix in the fused paraffin acts, try to smear the received briquette on as much as possible big surface - the area of a covering will turn out minimal. Though a pencil from such paraffin - an excellent thing. For a uniform covering shone structure of greater surfaces it is more convenient to transform our powder into a paint for what it needs to be poured out ruthlessly in bank with white gouache.
In boiling pure paraffin it is thrown preliminary pounded mix of luminophor and salts of radium and it is well stirred. If paraffin will have time to thicken, it is necessary to warm up it is temperature of fusion and even boiling of paraffin in times less "problem" for luminophor temperatures. |
Now we pour out a suspension of luminophor in paraffin on a leaf of a paper. It is possible simply to llow to cool down to paraffin in the form of then to use it as a pencil. |
Now it is possible to work. With porous structure it is necessary to cover any white leaf of a whatman paper in pair layers of our paint or to rub with a piece of paraffin with luminophor, to collect pair tens such sheets and to paste over with them a ceiling. Luminescences of this design should suffice you for 20-30 years so in dark corners it is possible to forget about night nightmares and monsters. Intensity of radiation is very small in two senses: both in a visible range, and from the point of view of radiating safety.
In the afternoon painted by luminophor the paper will look as usual, and very accurate and the luminescence will be appreciable only during dark time of day though it will be enough that it is easy to distinguish subjects in a room and even to read. |
To ornament a ceiling green divorces is easily . It crowds of idlers of school age have a good time. But I would be not I if has stopped on banal botched work and have not tried to expose once again unreasonable greed and laziness of manufacturers of computer technics. This time we shall be convinced, that expenditure of Japanese for development of thin flexible liquid crystal panels are a deceit and inflating of funds.
Researchers received from domestic and Korean corporations very considerable grants on development flexible tft screens - the total sum by the year 2002 has reached year astronomical sum in 25 billion yens that makes 220 million US dollars.
Apparently any serious shifts for last three years it is not observed. For certain ten more billions Japanese money it has been spent for useless researches when to me was two weeks and the sum equivalent to a mug of good beer enough. It is simple to guess, that solubility salt also gel it is required that small dissociation allowed to provide a weak current at presence of a potential difference. In my case the problem is facilitated by that chlorides of the majority of metals in itself are higroscopic so even despite of paraffin dissociation will take place (usual candle paraffin is not a mix of pure limiting paraffins, and contains not only a moisture, but also a heap of impurity in the form of aldehydes or even hydrocarbons with double communications - all this allows to keep in substance up to 0.5% a moisture).
The first experience with a piece of whatman paper, a battery and pair wires has shown, that brightness of a luminescence slightly increases. To increase quantity of a moisture in "paint" I has added a few table salt and sugar in fusion paraffin. Chloride of sodium will increase conductivity due to increase in ions, and sugar differs tremendous hygroscopicity: try to leave a sugar bowl opened - crystals will be blocked , and in a week can turn in general in glassy substance. Now the luminescence is perfectly appreciable even at electric illumination.
The luminescence is appreciable even at electric illumination, though still insufficiently bright. It is one of intermediate experiences when in paraffin powdered sugar has not been added. |
Further - a trick. I rule a whatman paper, I drip in cells on a drop of paraffin with luminopfor, I bring to everyone pair wires by a principle of light-emitting diode panels, and then a plait of conclusions I bring to the elementary controller. The majority of controllers use a working pressure within the limits of from 1,5 up to 5 Volt that for eyes suffices our child. As a result we receive the monitor-indicator with the cheap sanction which it is possible blunge, to twist, to connect to the electricity it is direct from the controller and in general to collect for pair hours.
Porosity of a whatman paper allows to lead some cosmetic changes. For example I dug in cells in a warm oven that paraffin has quickly impregnated a whatman paper through: it has allowed to bring wires to one party of a leaf, and to observe a luminescence with another - small editing has allowed to make the convenient indicator.
Finally to finish idea to the point of irrationality I used as the controller legendary monster Z80 for whom did not solder controllers only lazy. Simple programming, huge quantity of schemes and an opportunity to do taps directly from the trunk of data allow to collect "monoblock" the minimal forces. As you can see, though masterpiece it has not turned out, but now I can feel more abruptly the founder of the first Apple: I not only itself have soldered "Sinclair", but also have collected to it the monitor.
It is translated from a site www.sheppard.ru
Posted by
Viktor Stilaw
Blog Archive
- Building the Replica of David Bushnell’s Turtle
- "ROBO-ONE in the Space" promises low-orbit robot b...
- Evil Robot
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- Wearable Power Assist Suit
- The Amazing Climbing Robot (video)
- Unmanned Mini-Robot-Helicopter Gets 'Weaponized' w...
- The Hudspith Steam Bicycle
- I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common probl...
- Dynamically-Stable Mobile Robots in Human Environm...
- HOW TO make plasma in your microwave.
- How to make the simplest electric motor for 5 min...
- New way of graphic multiplication of big numbers (...
- How to make a very cheap videoprojector from the C...
- DOOM on the OLPC XO!
- Lifehacker the book now available
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- Concept phone
- Impossible triangle in Perth
- Beautiful light bulb
- Guys have constructed Trebuchet shooting fiery bal...
- 8 images of a snow crystal continually zoomed in u...
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- Mac OS has won Vista for 16 moves
- The Steel soap
- Hacker has Overlocked the processor more than in 1...
- Inventors claim to turn 300 microwaves into megawa...
- Hard Drive Clock
- Total Christmas light control
- Flickr's excellent Xmas easter egg
- How to make the grinding machine tool from Hard ...
- The Hand-made radioactive monitor.
- Rock The Skill Crane!
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